...just another day....
As I walk down the platform to get to the front of the train on Atlantic Ave a young boy starts tugging at his moms coat and says:
Kid: Mom! Mom! Look ...look...look...how small she is!
(I turn, smile and wave hi at the kid)
Kid: Mom! Look.. she's so small!
Mom: Oh! Do you know her?
Kid: No... but I wanted to tell her that she's small but she's an adult
Me: That's right ... I am an adult... You are so observant ;)
I wanted to share this story because I have to admit I was quick to judge and assumed that this situation would end up being a negative one. As I saw the kid gawk and tug at his moms coat I thought... "Oh god.. here we go again..." But I was wrong because even though the young boy was in awe of my size, he had nothing negative to say at all. Sometimes even I have to take a step back and remind myself that there are children and parents out there that teach their kids the right thing to say and grow up to be open minded.