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Feeling empowered...

I have just been extremely empowered, inspired & motivated by this peice of theater. Not only was there a very talented woman on stage in a wheelchair moving effortlessly, but this entire production was done in American Sign Language (ASL). As the closing song came to an end, I couldnt help but sob in the audience. As everyone stood up to give the amazing cast a standing ovation, I sat in my chair sobbing and applauding in ASL. I sobbed, not because the story was sad, or that I was sad, but rather empowered. I saw a cast of hearing mpaired people givivng their hearts over to us and as I watched them sing their last note, I couldnt help but feel extremely inspired. I sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed... my friend and I hugged eachother as everyone left the theater, and we hugged tight reaffirming to eachother that we can make it just like they did! They have taught me that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. The world is ready people!! The world is ready to see more people with disabilities on stage. IT IS OUR TIME. And I cant wait to see what the future holds...

(click the picture to get tickets to this life changing show!)

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